gregor's minimum manditory Science Fiction
Bookstore * gregor's picks * (back to internet love fest)
Phillip K Dick
Norman Spinrad
Neal Stephenson
Greg Egan
William Gibson
Bruce Sterling
Phillip K. Dick
Paperback - 241 pages Reissue edition (July 1991) Vintage Books; ISBN: 0679734465 Dimensions (in inches): 0.70 x 8.00 x 5.23
- A Scanner Darkly
Paperback - 278 pages Reprint edition (December 1991) Vintage Books; ISBN: 0679736654 Dimensions (in inches): 0.65 x 7.99 x 5.19
- The Transmigration of Timothy Archer
Paperback - 255 pages Reissue edition (July 1991) Vintage Books; ISBN: 0679734449 Dimensions (in inches): 0.71 x 8.00 x 5.20
- Galactic Pot-Healer
Paperback - 177 pages Reprint edition (June 1994) Vintage Books; ISBN: 0679752978 Dimensions (in inches): 0.59 x 8.02 x 5.23
- Radio Free Albemuth
Paperback - 224 pages Reprint edition (April 1998) Vintage Books; ISBN: 0679781374 Dimensions (in inches): 0.63 x 8.00 x 5.23
- Ubik
Paperback - 216 pages Reprint edition (December 1991) Vintage Books; ISBN: 0679736646 Dimensions (in inches): 0.68 x 8.02 x 5.22
- Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said
Paperback - 231 pages Reissue edition (July 1993) Vintage Books; ISBN: 067974066X Dimensions (in inches): 0.63 x 7.95 x 5.21
Norman Spinrad
Neal Stephenson
- Snow Crash
Paperback Reissue edition (May 1993) Bantam Spectra; ISBN: 0553562614 Dimensions (in inches): 1.34 x 6.91 x 4.18
- The Diamond Age
Paperback Reprint edition (March 1996) Bantam Spectra; ISBN: 0553573314 Dimensions (in inches): 0.87 x 6.87 x 4.18
Greg Egan
- Permutation City
Mass Market Paperback (October 1995) Harper Mass Market Paperbacks; ISBN: 006105481X Dimensions (in inches): 1.02 x 6.78 x 4.23
- Axiomatic
Paperback (December 1997) Harper Prism; ISBN: 0061052655 Dimensions (in inches): 0.91 x 9.25 x 6.15
- Quarantine
Mass Market Paperback (January 1995) Harper Mass Market Paperbacks; ISBN: 0061054232 Dimensions (in inches): 0.83 x 6.78 x 4.18
- Diaspora : A Novel
Hardcover - 256 pages (February 1998) Harper Prism; ISBN: 0061052817 Dimensions (in inches): 1.12 x 9.57 x 6.44
- Distress : A Novel
Hardcover - 304 pages (June 1997) Harper Prism; ISBN: 0061052647 Dimensions (in inches): 1.32 x 9.59 x 6.51
William Gibson
- Neuromancer
Hardcover - 278 pages Reprint edition (July 1994) Ace Books; ISBN: 0441000681 Dimensions (in inches): 1.04 x 8.54 x 5.57
- Mona Lisa Overdrive
Paperback Reissue edition (December 1, 1989) Bantam Spectra; ISBN: 0553281747 Dimensions (in inches): 0.87 x 6.88 x 4.22
- Count Zero
Mass Market Paperback Reissue edition (April 1987) Ace Books; ISBN: 0441117732 Dimensions (in inches): 0.74 x 6.88 x 4.20
- Burning Chrome
Mass Market Paperback Revised edition (September 1994) Ace Books; ISBN: 0441089348 Dimensions (in inches): 0.61 x 6.87 x 4.17
- The Difference Engine
Mass Market Paperback (February 1992) Spectra; ISBN: 055329461X Dimensions (in inches): 1.27 x 6.94 x 4.19
- Idoru
Mass Market Paperback - 400 pages Reprint edition (September 1997) Berkley Pub Group; ISBN: 0425158640 Dimensions (in inches): 1.12 x 6.75 x 4.18
Bruce Sterling
Bookstore * gregor's picks * (back to internet love fest)