Unzip the Prime95.zip into a good place like /program files/primes and run the
Prime95 program by double clicking on the red icon. Connect to the internet during
this setup if you aren't already on.
There are three dialog boxes that you will see in the setup.
In the first one, enter your own name and email address on the top two
lines. Fill in the 'userID' and 'password' blanks as shown below, and
finally, add a name for your computer in the last blank.
Screen two will probably guess your computer speed.
Change it if necessary.
On the last screen, if you have a modem, check the 'Use a dialup connection
to the Internet' box.
After that the program will run a test diagnostic as a baseline on your
box which takes about an hour, then begin testing in earnest.
How to run this app over the long haul.
Set Prime95 to run as a tray icon and a Windows 95 service under the Options pulldown.
You do not need to be dialed in to the internet for the program to work.
Dialing in about once a week will keep you current. There is a vacation
blank that will enable you to pick up an extra large assignment if you are
not going to be able to log in for more than 14 days.
Leave your computer running all the time and leave prime95 running even
when you are working. This application is very 'nice' and
seems to work with only totally unused cpu cycles. Steady constant runtime is
far more important than processor size.
If your working dates get out of wack on the Team Status page, pull down
Test: PrimeNet, and check the 'Send new completion dates to PrimeNet server' box.
When you click 'OK' the application will pause briefly and connect to the
server to update your stats.