Who changed What in three days.

Sunday special edition: unknowns and errors included.
Here's the The Deoxyribonucleic Hyperdimension link list.

WebWatch 1.1 results for internet love fest webwatch digest

Start of run: Tue Feb 13 14:41:17 1996
Anchor file:                         E:\ONLINE\love\machine\DEOXY.HTM
Documents modified since:            Sat Feb 10 12:00:00 1996
Last Visit date overrides:           No
Documents with unknown date:         not included
Timeout limit:                       42

End of run: Tue Feb 13 16:44:35 1996
URLs contacted:                      418
URLs displayed:                      60
Retrievals timed out:                124
URLs with known modification date:   45
Elapsed time:                        02:03:18

Thank you for using WebWatch, a Web utility from Specter, Inc.

Thursday November 16, 1995 ~ webster@myhouse.com