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© 1994, 1995 ~ gregor markowitz

These are the top ten loved up world wide web locations this week.

They have been selected completely subjectively by our workgroup and are all bursting with creative talent, vision, and/or merit.
The love fest is actively seeking to replace these listings with new visions of possibilities and web constructs which offer a glimpse of new magnitudes in people's online intercoures.
Please help by tipping us off to what we have missed. A blank to enter interesting pointers is at the end of the love fest top ten list..

Number ten:

Robotic Tele-Excavation at USC

The Mercury Project is a classic site which is still a must see. This oldie but goodie is already several months old. Noteably, this project was the subject of an article in Newsweek magazine because of it's merit as a milestone in the developement of the world wide web.
What is so special about the Mercury Project is that it actually does something. You push a button somewhere in Japan and a robot moves in Nevada.
More importantly, this site actually creates a "place". This place has photos, stories, area - it really is a robot in the nuclear wasteland.

Number nine:

Gothic Pickup Lines

Gothic Pickup lines

Edited by Bob. This page is good for a few laughs. Talk about your time capsule. I hope nobody reads this when they dig up our backup disks from the lead lined vaults in a million years.

Number eight:

Chatting With Martha Siegel

Hissssssss Booooooo The Moumar Quadaffi and Saddham Hussien of the internet - at least as the typical bandwidth hugger PC "the internet is for learning and scientific institutions" types would tell it. What's so bad about commercializing the internet? This award is just for an out and out good topic for a page. Inquiring minds need to know...

Number seven:


Computers:Internet:Interesting Devices Connected to the Net

Yahoo! is a very good overview list that doesn't put you through page after page of selection to get to the coo. This is a good example of a level of their database, the level of stuff that sort of does something.

Number six:

The Revolving Door

We have tested our servers here and met many active hypertext artists. A 24 hour posting to this live selector nets us around 300 different people that pop in as a result. Keep up on the whetstone where the cutting edge is honed.

Number five:


MurpleWeb: Home Page

Our homeboys at I have never met or spoken with them, but for some reason MurpleWeb linked up real early to the love fest. This set of work shows the power of the human for intuitively filtering and compiling material in a way that couldn't be done with 50 supercomputers.

Number four:

16th July 1945, 5:29:45 A.M. Trinity site@Alamogordo test range, Jornada del Muerto desert.

The High Energy Weapons Archive

	If the radiance of a thousand suns
Were to burst at once into the sky,
That would be like the splendor of the Mighty
I am become Death,
The shatterer of Worlds.


NUKES? You want NUKES? This archival effort has compiled a pile of nuclear bomb material that staggers the brain. Some people think they look cool, some people think bomb sounds like mom and god and jah. This fellow is in it for more than the visual beauty.

Number three:

Uncle Bob's Kid's Page

Someone nominated this site for an award on the form below. Uncle Bob is lovin' life. A webserver is like the Winnebago of the '90's. Climb right on up inside that big old motorhome and tour. The ultimite romantic notion: alone on the big road.

Number two:

Mel's Godzilla Page

They kicked the love fest off the Revolving Door like a big bully. If you were to look in the ultimate encyclopedia under "GODZILLA", this is what would come out. A fine resource, diligently compiled by a true lover. Thanks Mel!

Number one:


You know the feeling you had when you discovered DOOM, Mosaic then Netscape, and cuseeme? Webchat is the same way. You know this is yet another magnitude of possibilities for the linking of the 'net, even though it's not too fancy yet. The WebChat is magnificent in that the load of the whole operation is spread around on the servers of the actual chatters.

Now enter a page that you think should be on the love fest top ten.

Enter the URL of the page you would like to see on the love fest top ten:

Why do you think this site or offering is especially noteworthy?

 internet love fest  ~  New  editorial  ~  top ten  trade-A-link  ~  authors  sponsers  software  ~ catalog
© 1994, 1995 ~ gregor markowitz